Cement bonded particle board - Fastening methods
As a rule, the same fastening methods used for wooden particle boards are suitable. If the panels are nailed or stapled, the panels must be in direct contact with the sub-structure. Furthermore, corrosion-free fasteners should be used for exterior applications and in wet spaces. It is important to ensure that the panel joint does not float in the space between two supports.

If nails are used as fasteners, the panels must be pre-drilled with the 0.8 fold of the nail diameter. The panel thickness must be no less than the four-fold of the nail diameter. Special nails in accordance with DIN 1052 should be used for this fastening method.

Stapling is a very economic fastening method. It is used as a permanent form of attachment with the help of power or compressed-air tools, especially in the industrial sector. It is important to ensure that the staples are driven into the panel edge at a 30° angle. Resin coated staples have proven to be particularly effective. In accordance with DIN 1052, the staples should have a wire diameter of dn ≥ 1.8mm. The recommended thickness range of the panels for stapling is 10 - 20mm.

When screw fastening, the screws should correspond to DIN 1052. In this case, the panels must be pre-drilled with the 1.2 fold of the screw diameter. If the screws are self-tapping and have a general construction oversight permit, power tools can be used to do the work without pre-drilling.
Depending on the sub-structure, screw attachments with countersunk screws permit only very limited movement of the panels when subjected to changes in moisture. For this reason, the use of these screws is not recommended. An attachment with flathead facade screws permits a tension-free installation, and also absorbs swelling and contraction (hole > screw shaft).
We recommend the installation on wooden sub-structures for exterior applications. In principle, the panels can also be installed on a steel sub-structure. However, we call attention to the fact that metal is subject to significant expansion at high temperatures on facades, resulting in significant movement that can also cause cracks to the panels. As a rule, we do not recommend fastening the panels to an aluminum sub-structure.